
Providing municipal services to the public requires excellent responsiveness and transparency from government agencies.

In the state of California alone, there are over 3,000 special districts, 482 cities, and 58 counties that require a government office to oversee policies and provide resources for the general public. The provision of shared data between agencies upon the change of state legislation helps a vast network of city municipalities keep up with public service demands.

The lack of proper document management is an issue among some government agencies. Once an office falls behind, other services suffer; documents can’t be found, misplaced or not scanned.

In this article, we’ll explore the main problems that cause government offices to slow down productivity and discuss why document management solutions can drastically increase overall efficiency.

Why Document Management Impacts Municipality Efficiency

Every service provided by government establishments requires the exchange of a wide variety of documents each day. The rate at which municipalities exchange or process documents for city or public services is the reason why offices are taking steps to improve productivity.

There are a few reasons why government offices require proper document management:

  • Infrastructure Repair: The longer a government department puts off the repair of roads, bridges, and other transit systems, the more it costs to source funds to complete new construction projects. Since around $441 billion was spent in 2017 on national infrastructure and approximately 77% of the funds secured by local governments, many municipal establishments must source funds themselves and exchange documentation with local contractors.
  • Outdated Transparency Websites: In 2009, the Transparency and Open Government memorandum was issued, a policy which sought to increase the efficiency of local governments by sharing government information more openly with the general public. Continuous documentation is required to update the transparency features on websites so civilians can stay informed on state-wide regulatory issues.

If local governments considered the use of document management services, they could provide resources to citizens more efficiently, improve city services, and keep up with infrastructure repairs.

5 Document Management Solutions to Help Improve Government Facilities

How does a document management service help improve government efficiency at a local level? Here are five document management solutions that can speed up the exchange of municipal service.

1. Digital File Sharing

A digital document management system means the exchange between government, public, and national resources is streamlined and offers more productivity amongst the agencies. That means all files are processed faster, and contractual development can move along quicker than it used to be.

2. Comprehensive Data Storage

Another benefit of the managed documentation system is that all files are organized and stored in a convenient location, which may be accessed exclusively by authorized government officials. Governments can store sensitive documentation in a secure digital management system. Put cybersecurity funds to better use by protecting a more efficient documentation system.

3. Document Workflow Consultation

Government workers won’t have to keep a pile of documents on their desks to be delivered later, and there’s less chance of losing emails with vital information. Document workflow consultants can help resolve any issues a government office has with data and information exchange. The result is faster document processing and improved infrastructure developments.

4. Automation of Document Sharing

Mandatory document filing and sharing processes can take up a significant portion of the day for government workers, which causes the development of city infrastructure or budget plans to take longer. Without manual processes, a government facility can quickly process documents, share information across their platforms, and focus on developing and executing municipal strategies.

5. Conversion of Paper to Digital

An extensive collection of paper documents is filed away inside government facilities’ record departments, taking up space that could be utilized by other service branches. Managed document specialists help municipalities convert paper documents to digital forms so that they can store safely secured on a digital platform.

Increase Government Efficiency with Document Management Solutions

Does a local government establishment require a reassessment of the documentation process? The answer is YES, especially if the process is still entirely manual. It may be time to consider converting to a more convenient digital platform. Improperly organized documentation within a municipality can lead to an overall degeneration of civil services and resources over time. With the implementation of document management services, local governments can issue documents for citizens faster and improve services throughout an entire city.

Smile Business Products understands that the governments within the state of California may need resources for document management because the current documentation process can’t keep up with demands.. Contact us today to learn more about setting up a document management system that adapts to the challenges of local governmental predicaments.