Ever experience the frustration of trying to configure an internet connection, multi-line phone system, or firewall that allows essential business software to run? When those challenges mean downtime for a company, it can lead to much more than just frustration. That’s why smart business owners look for an IT consulting expert or turn to managed IT services to keep technology configured and optimized.
Managed services have truly taken the business world by storm. These professional services outsource many parts of a business infrastructure that were once left to business owners to plan, build, and troubleshoot by themselves. While running a business requires a certain type of genius, that doesn’t always mean that business owners have the expertise – or time – to fiddle with technology.
Managed IT services are imperative to business operations. Here’s why.
More Than a Competitive Advantage: A Necessity
Today’s modern business environment represents a digital labyrinth. It’s full of devices, software, and connectivity that empower a company to take full advantage of the data generation that defines the 21st-century business.
However, this level of complexity also means that an incredible number of possibilities exist when it comes to choosing the technology to drive a company. When creating the IT infrastructure of an office, there exist dozens of hardware and software options for any given need or challenge.
Additionally, the modern consumer is a technologically savvy individual who expects companies to meet them on this level – even startups. If a website, phone line, or other user interface doesn’t work, the potential customer will move on to a company with functioning infrastructure. Likewise, if a company’s infrastructure isn’t secure and suffers a data breach, consumers will unleash anger and distrust in a way that is typically fatal to a company.
That’s why many businesses turn to managed services, professionals that can correctly select, install, configure, and maintain critical infrastructure. According to CompTIA’s 7th State of the Channel Report, managed services are the single largest business service purchased by companies – and at least 90 percent of Fortune 1000 companies use them.
Managed IT Services Mean the Right Tools for the Job
Getting the right tools for the job the first time around is critical for a company’s viability. However, keeping pace with developments of business technology and cybersecurity is a full-time job.
Managed who specialize in cybersecurity in nuclear power plants, also specialize in it. These trained professionals know what tools work in a given scenario, and how best to apply them to meet a company’s needs. As a result, managed services tend to have a high return on investment due to things like:
- Reduced acquisition expenses: The company pays a flat fee to the provider instead of purchasing a bunch of equipment with which they must experiment – with no guarantee that any of it will work.
- Scalability: IT support service providers think in the long-term, developing solutions that will scale with the company’s growth.
- More uptime: The correct technology installed and configured correctly the first time around means a company is up on its feet faster and for longer.
- A professional digital presence: A flawless digital presence is the first step to enticing a customer to shop – a managed IT service provider makes sure that phones, servers, and websites are running and secure.
How Managed IT Services Accelerate Operations
In addition to cost savings, managed IT services can amplify a company’s ability to handle work and respond more quickly to market demands. A managed IT services provider accelerates operations by:
- Freeing up the internal IT department for higher-value initiatives: Simple help desk requests like printer jams and password resets can clog the workflow of an internal IT department. A managed service provider keeps internal IT free by providing maintenance.
- Remaining vigilant for threats before they become breaches: Whereas a company might not notice a threat or breach immediately, a managed provider will due to the advanced tools that they deploy to aid with network security.
- Keeping the budget controlled: Business infrastructure is notorious for having hidden expenses – a managed service provider eliminates them and presents a consistent, expected bill each month.
- Introducing opportunities for improvement: An experienced provider can typically make suggestions that improve workflows or operations beyond what the company thought possible.
Smile’s Managed Services Help Companies Succeed in Business
Managed IT services are more than just a smart move for companies that want to stay modern and competitive – they’re a critical element of success. These services empower companies by giving them access to the same infrastructure as their larger, more established rivals. That means a flawless digital presence, enhanced advanced threat detection, and the right tools for the job.
With most major organizations adopting managed services, their use is fast becoming the status quo. Soon, companies that don’t deploy them will either need a robust in-house IT department or risk falling out of the competition.
Smile helps companies access the best and most critical technology business solutions. Start a conversation with a specialist to get started today.